Hi everyone!!

Even though it’s a little bit late, I still decided to share with you my reading choices for this month 🙂 I’m really excited about it, mainly because I can feel the summer vibes coming from each book.

Without further due, let’s dive in:

Note: All photos are my own. Do not alter or edit my photographs. If you’re reposting them on social media, always credit the source.

august reading list
August TBR | Not So Secret Me

“Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass” // Lana Del Rey

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Sea
Photo by: Not So Secret Me

Goodreads Synopsis: â€œViolet Bent Backwards Over the Grass is the title poem of the book and the first poem I wrote of many. Some of which came to me in their entirety, which I dictated and then typed out, and some that I worked laboriously picking apart each word to make the perfect poem. They are eclectic and honest and not trying to be anything other than what they are and for that reason I’m proud of them, especially because the spirit in which they were written was very authentic.” – Lana Del Rey

Genre: Poetry

Goodreads Rating: 3.93 / 5

I’ve always admired Lana Del Rey as a singer, but specially as a songwriter. Her music lyrics are so poetic and amazing (songs like “Love Song” are heaven on earth), so I’m pretty sure I’ll love her poetry book even more.

My expectations are on their highest, to be honest. Can’t wait!

Under the Dome II // Stephen King

Photo by: Not So Secret Me

Goodreads Synopsis: All hell has broken loose in Chester’s Mill after an invisible force field suddenly and inexplicably descends on the small Maine town, isolating all within it from the outside world. As the grim reality of the situation dawns and panic sets in, each other town’s denizens reveals their true nature in the face of shortages, rationing, lawlessness, and uncertainty.

Genre: Horror; Science Fiction

Goodreads Rating: 4.08 / 5

I read “Under the Dome Part I” 4 years ago and it was my first Stephen King book. Since then, this author became one of my favorites and now I’m finally reading the second part of this engaging story.

I still remember most things, so it’ll feel good to come back to Chester’s Mill 🙂

Have you read this book yet? Have you ever watched the series?

Love & Gelato // Jenna Evans Welch

love and gelato
Photo by: Not So Secret Me

Goodreads Synopsis: Lina is spending the summer in Tuscany, but she isn’t in the mood for Italy’s famous sunshine and fairy-tale landscape. She’s only there because it was her mother’s dying wish that she get to know her father. But what kind of father isn’t around for sixteen years? All Lina wants to do is go back home. (read more)

Genre: Romance; YA

Goodreads Rating: 4.12 / 5

One of my most anticipated Summer read is actually here! I’m so excited!! I’ve been wanting to read this book for the longest time, and finally I’m getting that chance 🙂

Couldn’t be happier!

PORTUGUESE AUTHOR: Onde Cantam os Grilos // Maria Isaac

onde cantam os grilos
Photo by: Not So Secret Me

This time I also decided to read a Portuguese book, from a Portuguese author. It seems to be a lovely story, perfect for summer time!

Goodreads Synopsis (PT): Ainda bebĂ©, Formiga foi deixado num cesto nos degraus da casa da Herdade do Lago.
O mistĂ©rio da sua chegada Ă© apenas mais um na longa histĂłria da herdade e das vĂĄrias geraçÔes dos Vaz, que a assombra de lendas e maldiçÔes: uma fonte inesgotĂĄvel de mistĂ©rios fascinantes para a imaginação do rapazinho cabeça de vento. 
Deslumbrado pela vida da famĂ­lia que venera de forma atrapalhada, Formiga corre e trepa a ĂĄrvores, encolhe-se, faz-se invisĂ­vel, inventa um pouco de tudo para conseguir acompanhar conversas, descobrir mais um segredo. 
Mas o Ășltimo segredo que ele descobre revela-se demasiado grande para a curiosidade bem-intencionada de uma criança, e um erro seu acaba por destruir o Ășnico mundo que conhece e pĂŽr fim Ă  sua infĂąncia.
Mais de vinte anos depois, Formiga regressa Ă  Herdade do Lago e escreve para um leitor invisĂ­vel, relembrando tudo o que foi e que nĂŁo deveria ter sido.
Uma história doce contada pela voz de um adulto que fala pela criança que foi um dia.

Genre: Romance

Goodreads Rating: 4.18 / 5

And…That’s It!

Hope you enjoyed this month’s reading list! Which books are you planning on reading during August? Let me know in the comment section down below 🙂

Stay safe,


Hi, I’m Mariana


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